Most of the time when someone uses that phrase they are referring to the end users of software - the people typing and clicking and being annoyed by bugs. But there are other users as well - I see at least three kinds.
The most overlooked group are the administrators. It's a fuzzy collection (sometimes in more than one way - at least half the sysadmins I've ever met don't hardly shave) of people, but it can include people who install our software, people who maintain the software and hardware underneath, and people who manage end user experience.
I say it's an overlooked group because often the installation is the last thing a developer thinks of. It's natural to want to get the idea down and to see it running (on our dev boxes of course), and sometimes that gets away from us. The funny part is that we're often the group that complains the loudest when something is hard to work with - then we go and pester the systems team to install it for us.
Software that is easy to install and maintain is a treasure.
- Apache Tomcat is dead simple to get working, works on just about any OS, and is generally obvious what's wrong with it when something's broken. Configuration is XML, which I think is it's largest downside.
- Redis doesn't run in Windows, but I've already gone on about how easy it is to install.
- I love the way Chrome / Chromium patches itself unobtrusively.
It's important to have a deployment plan for software, and for it to be easy to follow. Limit dependencies as much as possible. Have a good configuration scheme (e.g. not XML). Have a simple logging strategy.
(I have the hardest time finding the correct logs in Hadoop. This may be due to the fact that it's been set up by developers, but I'd say that goes back to having a good configuration scheme.)
The second (occasionally) overlooked group are developers. Remembering this group is generally a function of experience - usually the experience of trying to fix someone else's spaghetti code. "If it was hard to write, it should be hard to read" is thankfully a mantra that has fallen by the wayside, and I hope it stays dead. Code that is well constructed and readable is also maintainable, and that helps everybody.
Ruby developers have the edge over Java developers here. Java code can be (and usually is) well constructed, but the Java language limits how readable the code is. Ruby code can be a thing of beauty, and there are discussions about how to make it so. Such conversations would be anathema to Java developers, and I think that is a mistake. I've never gotten much out of poetry, but well-written prose pleases me on an aesthetic level, and well-written code is just the same. Seeing a function that solves a problem in a smart manner - feeling that "a-ha" when you capture the essence of a block in your head - provides an emotional satisfaction to our occupation that is under-valued.
Last are the end users. These are arguably the most important users. If we don't have end users, then our software really isn't doing much. There's no shortage of blogs and discussion of the whys and the hows for user experience, and I don't have much to add that couldn't be found elsewhere. End user experience is something that developers sometimes overlook. I've met a number of developers who are happy to push those responsibilities off onto the designers, as though it wasn't a part of their job.
All developers should be able to involve themselves in UX. There's really no excuse for not being able to do so. If we have a strong design team and product owner(s) then we may not have to do much in this area, but developers need to be cognizant of the techniques. After all, we are closest to the computer - we are often able to see things that the computer can do that others can't.
Another interesting point is that the groups can become muddled depending on what kind of software we're working on. If we're writing a library, then the end users are really the developers using the library - they're the ones who have the experience of using the interfaces we're providing. (And library interfaces are an art form all of their own) If writing infrastructure software then the end users become the admins who will be deploying other packages on top.
It's important to keep in mind the people using your software, no matter how they're involved.
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